
yoga chitta vritti nirodha

Do your practice and all is coming

Kategori: Yoga

Jag håller på och skriver en ansökan till en utbildning som jag har tänkt att söka in till. Jag vet inte om jag kommer att bli antagen och jag vet inte om det är det jag vill göra just nu heller. Jag vet att utbildningen skulle vara fantastiskt bra för mig ur ett lärarperspektiv, men jag är inte säker på att det är den vägen jag vill gå i detta skede när det kommer till min egen praktik. Vill jag ha matnyttigt kött på benen eller knyta an till traditionen än starkare och få en injektion av känslor och energi? I ansökan ska jag hur som helst beskriva min yogapraktik. Vad menas med det? Är det asanapraktiken som åsyftas? Meditation ska i alla fall beskrivas för sig. Jag gör ett försök:
I immediately felt that Ashtanga yoga was the path for me to follow. I developed a daily practice right from the beginning. Since then, I have continued my practice with the same passion and dedication. On a normal week without moondays or other days off I usually practice Primary on Sundays and Fridays and Intermediate and the Third Series up to a variation of Urdhva Kukkutasana A on Mondays to Thursdays. I practice in the mornings with my teacher and other students except for the days I teach early morning classes when I practice on my own. Because of my knee injury I have had to modify some asanas. 
For me strength has been a bigger challenge than flexibility. Over the year past I have focused on balancing the two aspects. For me asanas are pure joy and most of the time I love being on the mat. However, dealing with a long-term injury is challenging but it also has given me the opportunity to give asanas less attention and instead trying to examine what happens with my practice as I give the breathing system primary focus.

Over the years I have participated in several in depth studies where more subtle aspects of the Ashtanga system have been approached, such as pranayama, philosophy and chanting. My interest in these areas has deepened and I therefore, in addition to my asana practice, have developed a routine where I practice basic pranayama techniques daily. I also study yogic texts and chant on a daily basis. Besides the more structural practices I try to incorporate mindfulness and yamas and niyamas in everyday life.




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